Sunday, 13 April 2014

Just a little something to get us warmed up and ready to play...

Hello everybody! Being a first post and all I doubt this will be read very much, but I think it's only right that I introduce myself and what all of this is about, don't you? 

My name is Blair, and one of my biggest interests (and hobbies) is sex. I think about it a lot, I wonder about things I haven't tried and provide wisdom to friends on the things I have tried. The purpose of this blog is mainly for me to talk about one of my favourite things in the world, I won't deny I am fascinated by most things sexual. This is not me claiming to be a guru of sex, nor a professor or sex psychiatrist. 

All I want to do is talk about it... in detail. 

But of course to do that, I need you. If you're reading this, or anything else I write about in the future, I'd love for you to comment or get in touch via email/twitter/facebook because I want to hear about all of your dirty little secrets! 

I decided to start this blog because when I was reading a few other blogs focusing on sex and sexual relationships, I realised that the way sex is illustrated in the media, in mainstream porn and even on blogs is unrealistic 95% of the time. I've read so many articles and blog posts on sex and giving sexual advice and I just find myself getting more and more disappointed when I read ones along the lines of 'How to act if your man's bad in bed'. 

As soon as I saw that, I was absolutely shocked. I couldn't fathom why there would be an article on that rather than one entitled 'How to communicate with your partner for a healthy sex life'. It really bothered me, because surely sex shouldn't be about putting on an act or a pretense, but it should be about celebrating your love or giving someone/yourself amazing pleasure, and most of all; it should be honest. 

And so here we are. This is going to be an honest place, a place without judgement, and hopefully, an exciting place to be! I'm really looking forward to get writing some reviews for you lovely people, hearing about your successes and troubles and sharing my own experiences with you. I feel like we've all been waiting for a blog that really delves under the covers and isn't afraid about getting into all the intimate detail we all (secretly) like to talk about, and here it is. 

I hope that's teased you enough to keep reading... 
Love, B. 

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