Wednesday, 16 April 2014

'Two's a pair, but three's a crowd...'

Getting steamy...

Hello everybody! If you haven't guessed from the title, today I'm gonna be talking about the kink that is... threesomes. It's been a hot topic for me and Mr. S as of late, and something I really want to discuss with you guys too. Don't forget to get involved in the conversation over on Twitter @BLAIRTALKSSEX , and now, let's talk all things 3-way...

The first time I ever told a boyfriend that I often found myself quite attracted to other girls, it didn't go down well. I had been with him for well over a year and I'd decided I wanted to let him in to my private fantasy. I told him that I sometimes touched myself whilst watching lesbian porn, and that the idea of having another girl involved maybe even whilst we were having sex turned me on like nothing else. 

I wanted to lick another girl's pussy. 

Unfortunately, he developed a massive complex about how I couldn't love him fully if part of me was attracted to females, i.e. something he could never be. It was a selfish, and hurtful, way to react, and since then I've always been careful and really quite insecure about who I tell my fantasies to. 

But about 3 months ago, whilst we were just lying in bed, I asked Mr. S about his secret fantasies, the ones he hadn't told me about. My head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around me, and he was so relaxed when I asked him, not reading between the lines or judging me for bringing it up. He spoke vaguely about wanting to restrain me properly, and mentioned bringing in anal-play for him, especially whilst his dick was being sucked. His openness on the subject made me so comfortable, and I told him I was attracted to the idea of a 3some with another girl for me to play with. 

Porn isn't shy about threesomes... 

Even though there's a common misconception that guys lap up the idea of their girlfriend's having a little bisexuality in them, I think that more often than not, though they're turned on by it, the thought of a 3some with their girlfriend and a random girl is actually quite frightening. 

Mr. S has one of the biggest egos I have ever come across (and it's often up to me to bring him back down to Earth), so I half expected him to respond with a joke or to get really naughty about it. But to my surprise, he just really modestly said "oh really?" and that was it. And I didn't feel like he was ignoring it or just fuzzing over it; when I think about it, he made that potentially awkward, uncomfortable conversation into a normal conversation. There was no pressure and more importantly, no embarrassment. 

That was a while ago, however, and only recently have we started seriously considering the logistics of this particular scenario. There is, of course, a lot to think about, like where the limits lie and how we're going to find someone who really wants to get involved with us... and so at the minute we're talking everything through... I'm getting very excited.

The look of love, pleasure, and concentration

Though I'd like to consider myself quite an open person when it comes to sex, even I have a limit. I openly told Mr. S that I would feel uncomfortable watching him have sex with another girl. When I said it, I felt so selfish, and I told him I knew it was such a double-standard, since I expected him to be okay with me giving oral to someone outside of our relationship. He told me not to worry, and we discussed it thoroughly and he decided he'd be okay not being involved in that way, and that he'd love for us to have sex like we usually do but with the added benefit that he gets to watch his girlfriend lick a girl out. He's a charmer.

So, it was settled. We wouldn't rush it, when the opportunity arose, we'd know. 

Today Mr. S was sent me a link to our next potential purchase... it was an accommodator dual penetrator, available here. I jokingly asked him if this was his way of making sure I don't ask for a 3some with a guy next, and he responded that it was his way of making sure he was my man (ego, see?), and then added "not going to lie, I don't want a 3some with another guy and you".

Seeing as he had been so accommodating about my slightly lesbian fantasy, I was intrigued as to why this kink (though I hadn't expressed interest) was so immediately rejected. I told him that it's not like I hadn't thought about it before -come on girls, even if we never go through with it we've all wondered about double penetration - but it'd never been at the top of my list.

"How comes you don't want one with another guy?"

"I don't want a 3some with a guy and my girlfriend. A random yeah, I wouldn't care. But not you."

"What'd be the difference between a random girl and me though?"

Not sure I could deal with this much attention...
*long, nerve-wracking wait for a reply*

"Because I don't care about a random but if I saw a guy try to come near you with his dick I'd knock him out." 

And then I didn't feel at all guilty for not wanting him to actually penetrate our additional mystery girl. Maybe his response wasn't a particularly rational one, but at the end of the day I know my boyfriend and I know that he wouldn't react well, even in a situation (such as a mmf threesome) where me handling other guys' dicks would be acceptable. 

He's always told me that he's not one for sharing, and maybe you could call that a double-standard in itself that he refuses to share me with a guy, but is way more than okay to share me with a girl (typical). To be quite honest with you though, a threesome with Mr. S and another man is not even near to the top of my to-do list, so I'm not too fussed about the hypocrisy. 

Have you ever had a threesome? Was it within a relationship with your partner or just with two other single people? Or have you ever been that third person to join an existing couple? If you have I'd love to hear all about your experiences... 

Love, B. xo

Twitter: @BLAIRTALKSSEX (you can even tweet me from this page, on the right hand side)

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